座位表程式 <<
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# Brython code starts
from browser import document, html
# get output html location
brython_div = document["brython_div1"]
brython_div <= html.P(id="output_table")
# Replace this line with the actual file content
file_content = open("https://mde.tw/cadnote/downloads/2a_w12_seat.txt").read()
# Create a dictionary to store student numbers and seat numbers
seat_map = {}
# Process each line of the file content
for line in file_content.splitlines():
# Split each line using tabs
elements = line.split("\t")
# If the line contains seat information
if len(elements) == 2 and "(" in elements[1]:
# Extract student number and seat information
stud_num = elements[0].strip()
seat_info = elements[1].strip()
# Add student number and seat information to the dictionary
seat_map[stud_num] = seat_info
# Find the maximum row and column values
max_row = max(int(seat_info[1]) for seat_info in seat_map.values())
max_col = max(int(seat_info[3]) for seat_info in seat_map.values())
# Initialize a 2D list to represent the seating arrangement
seating_arrangement = [["缺席👎"] * max_col for _ in range(max_row)]
# Populate the seating arrangement with student information
for stud_num, seat_info in seat_map.items():
row = int(seat_info[1]) - 1
col = int(seat_info[3]) - 1
seating_arrangement[row][col] = f"座號: {seat_info}, 學號: {stud_num}"
# Display the result in the HTML document
result_html = "<table>"
for row in seating_arrangement:
result_html += "<tr>"
for cell_content in row:
result_html += f"<td>{cell_content}</td>"
result_html += "</tr>"
result_html += "</table>"
# Update the HTML content with the result
document["output_table"].html = result_html
# Brython code ends
座位表程式 <<
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